The Value of Naming

Imagine, just imagine… If the world, full of 7.6 billion people (at the time of writing and not entirely 100% accurate) had no names. We all had no names, no identities and no attributes… life would be, different to say the last. How different? Well, much harder in many respects. We couldn’t identify each other […]
String Manipulation in Clickteam Fusion 2.5

Danny from the ClickFusion Academy here with a full-blown tutorial on how you can manipulate strings inside of Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Don’t forget to check out the ClickFusion Academy ( for lots more content, tutorials, courses and downloads for Clickteam Fusion 2.5. In this video tutorial, we take a look at how you can have […]
March 2018 Podcast – Clickteam/Fusion/Academy

This is a Monday game dev podcast! Wow! Lots to talk about including the work I’ve been doing the last month or so (even though the last podcast was like a week ago)! Lots of stuff related to Clickteam, Fusion 2.5, the ClickFusion Academy, Devvoed and so much more! Did you know about the current […]
The Northern Developer Podcast March 2018

In today’s podcast, I literally stumble to my computer with a cup of tea ready to do this 🙂 Today’s podcast is all about random stuff including Click Convention, Clickteam Fusion (of course) and some stuff that I’m working on. Don’t forget to subscribe for notifications of future podcasts.
Clickteam Fusion 3, Game Dev Podcast

It’s been a few weeks since my last development podcast as the neighbours have been fitting a new roof so there’s been a LOT of noise, which I couldn’t bypass. So, in turn, I have a lot to get off my chest in this podcast. I discuss the moving forward of Clickteam and the game […]
Import Spriter files to Clickteam Fusion 2.5

If you are a user of Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and BrashMonkey’s Spriter, then you maybe wondering how to import Spriter files directly into Clickteam Fusion 2.5. Mike from over at BrashMonkey has provided this tutorial video for you to get to grips with how to directly import Spriter files and your artwork (sprites) into Clickteam […]
Clickteam Firefly – Fusion 2.5 (Jan 2018) Podcast

In the podcast today I am accompanied by Triadian. The main developer of Clickteam Firefly which is the 3D extension add-on for Clickteam Fusion 2.5. We cover many sub-topics in this game dev podcast, mostly relating to Firefly and the integration of the IRR engine into Clickteam Fusion 2.5 and we discuss a few other […]
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Firefly Podcast

In this mid-December Clickteam podcast, I discuss the current goings-on with Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Firefly. FireFly is a set of extensions for creating 3D games with Clickteam Fusion 2.5. We discuss in length some of the elements and updates and how far Firefly has come. We also discuss what could be in store for Firefly […]
Clickteam Fusion 2.5 Crash Logs Tutorial

In this free Clickteam Fusion 2.5 tutorial from the Academy, we will learn how to generate our own crash logs for our game dev and app dev projects. 90% of the time, game and app developers rely on their “testers” to demo the game or app and send back information such as “When did it […]
December 2017 – Second Podcast – It’s Xmas

Two weeks until Christmas and I have all-sorts to ramble on about. Hope you find it interesting. Let me know in the comments below. Don’t forget to subscribe to the YouTube channel for instant notification of new and future podcasts. Feel free to leave any comments or suggestions below. Links: Clickteam Giveaway Magical Monster Land