Programming Challenges

Programming Challenges

Welcome to the fortnightly programming challenges section of the Academy. These programming challenges are set twice a month for members to think of innovative ways to develop particular routines to complete an objective.

The primary focus is to work on a topic over the space of two weeks and then try to complete the objective in your own way. We then share the MFA (source files) between all the members for everyone to see how everyone else approached the task. If you are a guest you will be able to see some of this content to give you insight as to how we do this but you will not be able to download any source files.

Current Programming Challenge

Here is the first programming challenge for the members of the ClickFusion Academy. In this challenge, I want you to display both an EditBox and a String in your frame. Whatever is typed into the edit box, needs to be displayed in the String object, but reversed.

The official thread for this challenge can be found here where you can post your completed MFAs (results).


Here is where previous programming challenges are archived. Files can still be viewed and downloaded by members of the Academy.