In this December App Dev and Game Dev podcast, I touch on a few things but mostly the theme is centered around this week’s scenario: don’t hate the player, hate the game!
A lot of people automatically like to blame Clickteam Fusion 2.5 for the downfalls of their developments. You have to remember that in any development, whether it be C++ coding or Java scripting or audio production, video production even animation… there are external factors which can influence, shape or hinder your development. Just because something doesn’t work in Fusion 2.5, you shouldn’t automatically blame the tool, an extension nor the runtime. Take a look at external factors first. It saves time, it saves development and can even save embarrassment. If you want to save-face, take some time out to learn about computers a bit more in-depth, more particular, file-formats and how they are stored, handled and research any external factors you maybe working with.
I also touch upon a new feature in the Academy – the AnswerStack. Check it out today!
Podcast is available as both a YouTube video or an MP3. Take your pick.
Looking forward to some of your comments down below!
YouTube Version
MP3 Version