need help on in app purchase

AnswerStackCategory: Clickteam Fusion 2.5need help on in app purchase
sonic921 asked 6 years ago

Hi everyone sonic921 here. I’ve been stuck on IAP (for like 4 days now ) I follow Danny tutorial of In-App purchase, but no luck.  I have been receiving the same error code [DF-AA-20]. I have listed a friend as a test and sent the file to them to test out. They have received the same error code.  also, my game is in testing mode know as alpha. so only, people, I send the game to can test it. 

sonic921 replied 6 years ago

Yes did all this still getting an error, can I upload the file here, I’m just having so much trouble with this, it’s just not working.

sonic921 replied 6 years ago

Yes did all this still getting an error, can I upload the file here, I’m just having so much trouble with this, it’s just not working.

sonic921 replied 6 years ago

Yes did all this still getting an error, can I upload the file here, I’m just having so much trouble with this, it’s just not working.

Danny Staff replied 6 years ago

Hey Sonic921,
Follow these steps below, it should work:
– Ensure the email addresses you are testing are 100% correct
– Go into your inapp products and ensure they are set to ‘Active’
– Ensure it is published (even under Alpha/BETA)

Failing these, make sure you are using the correct ProductID in the MFA (Fusion app)

1 Answers
Danny Staff answered 6 years ago

Email it over to me and I’ll take a look at it. Please also email screenshots of Google Console (InApps).

sonic921 replied 6 years ago

Hi Danny, I’ve uploaded the file to your email I have sent a picture of the Google console in-app screen too.